Added Value
Different methods and qualities of service exist in the recruitment sector.
Our company specializes in Executive Search and Assessment, offering you the following distinctive aspects:
- Personal involvement of the partners. Our firm maintains a size and structure that allows direct involvement of the partners in every search, offering personal commitment and dedication to achieve the highest quality service.
- Global Scale. We are a European executive search firm committed to securing exceptional talent to lead and direct the most successful organizations all over the world.
- Specialization. Each of our partners has direct experience in key sectors, adding consultancy value to each project as real trusted partners.

Since its constitution in June of 1992, Eurogalenus is a Service firm whose reason for existence is The Client. Our clients choose EuroGalenus above many alternatives because of the professionalism and dedication of our team, as well as for the added-value that we bring to each search process.
We are proud to have faithful clients who have been with us for over 20 years and we always aspire to have professional long-term relationships. Two-thirds of our search mandates are for already-existing clients. We continually try to exceed the expectations of our clients and to enrich their recruitment projects with alternative and valuable solutions. Often we are able to identify and attract candidates who, at first-glance, would seem to be outside the initial briefing.

Diversity & Inclusion
Since its origins in the ´90s, Eurogalenus has being member of the AESC (Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants) and we are committed to promote its good practices and initiatives to strengthening leadership worldwide and believe in the power of diverse talent and inclusive cultures from our profession.
From AESC "we share a commitment to combat racism, prejudice, and discrimination within our own organizations, with candidates and the clients we serve, and in our communities. We pledge to use our collective voices and actions to help create a world that is inclusive, diverse, equitable and accessible for all".

Leaders in Executive Recruiting
We try to adapt to different needs
At EuroGalenus we also believe that a sense of humour helps in many business situations and we always begin our relationships with a smile. We conform to the Client and Candidate’s Bill of Rights which was edited by the AESC. In 2002, on occasion of our first 10 years in the profession, we published the Spanish versions of these Rights.
They continue to apply today and are the center of our professional practice.
- Provide a precise and honest evaluation of their capacity to carry out the search.
- Inform who will be carrying out the search.
- Provide a consultancy service of the highest quality.
- Maintain their information in strict confidence.
- Show a clear understanding of the position, the company and the search objectives.
- Present regular reports on the progress of the search.
- Create a list of candidates suitable for the position and culture of the organisation.
- Negotiate with the final candidate, representing both parties with integrity and professionalism.
- The consultancy firm cannot guarantee filling the position nor that the candidate would wish to join the company.
- Provide a reasonable follow-up after the incorporation.
- Offer the highest level of confidence during the search process.
- Inform them of the nature and requirements of the position, as well as the compensation package and conditions of the contract.
- Offer them an honest opinion of their position as candidate.
- Offer them professional treatment: they should have a comprehensive understanding of the position and the company and should have all questions answered clearly.
- Offer the candidate a similar amount of information as the client.
- The candidate should be given a sufficient amount of time to evaluate their decision in respect to an offer.
- Offer a relationship of trust which will help them during the process and could allow intervention in the negotiation of the contract, if the candidate so wishes.
- The candidate has the right to know details pertinent to the process: how long it is expected to last, when the interviews will take place and with whom.
- The candidate will have the greatest flexibility for attending appointments and interviews, and also expects a certain flexibility and availability on your part.
- Once considered as an active candidate in the process, they should receive constant information on all the stages of the process.